Do you want your plants to experience optimal health and growth? Of course, the answer to this question is going to be yes. Whether you are a gardener with your own plot or you are a commercial grower, you are going to do your best to ensure the plants you have are strong, bright and healthy. In particular, you want them to deliver quality fruits and beautiful flowers.
So, how can you do this? Well, your plants might be in need of a high potash fertiliser. Here is a guide on everything you need to know.
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What Is A High Potash Fertiliser?
First of all, if you are not familiar with high potash fertilisers, then you need to learn exactly what they are. This way, you can understand why they may be beneficial to your plants. Essentially, potash is salt that is rich in potassium. Often, they are salts that are mined from underground and rocks. Thus, many brands have their own high potash fertiliser that is designed to help your crops and plants grow.
Potassium is a very essential macronutrient for plants. They need it in order to be healthy and grow. In addition, potassium helps to protect plants from disease, as well as help them grow strong to resist extreme weather. If you want to buy a high potash fertiliser, you can visit Dejex supplies a range of quality brands that you can use for your plants and make sure they are getting the nutrients they need. If you are not sure whether your plants need a high potash fertiliser, keep reading for the signs to look out for.
What Are Some Signs I Should Use A Potash Fertiliser?
Plants will exhibit certain signs when they are low in certain micronutrients. It is important that you pay attention to your plants so that you can figure out what they need. Ideally, you should be proactive when it comes to fertilisers. But, we are going to point out some signs that your plants currently are deficient in potassium.
The common sign that your plants need potash is dry leaves. You will visibly see that the leaves are dry with a yellow colour, as well as a crisp feeling. The leaves may also break away in your hands. Another sign that your plants need potassium is if they are producing low-quality fruit or flowers.
Ultimately, if you are growing plants that are going to flower or develop fruit, you want to make sure that they have enough potassium. This is going to help them grow and be the best they can be.
You should also consider the type of soil you have. For instance, if you have soil that is high in sand, this might mean that you lack potassium. You can always test your soil to find out. There are kits you can purchase that are going to tell you the variety of nutrients that are found in the soil and in what quantities. This is going to settle the debate once and for all and you will know whether you need potassium. Alternatively, you might find that the soil is lacking in several nutrients and you might be better with an NPK product.
When Should I Use A High Potash Fertiliser?
Just like with any fertiliser you can use; you have to use it at the right time. Otherwise, your plants are not going to benefit from what it has to offer. When it comes to a high potash fertiliser, it is going to be best to use it when your plants are in their active growth stage. For instance, this can be during the spring months, as well as late summer. If your plants are dormant during other times of the year, there is going to be no point in applying the fertiliser. This is not going to be absorbed by your plants and you will be wasting your time and money using it.
How Can I Apply A High Potash Fertiliser?
So, we have established that you have to use this type of fertiliser during the months of the year when your plants are actively growing. But, there are some other elements that you have to consider. Namely, plants are only going to be able to get the nutrients from a high potash fertiliser when the soil is moist. This is so that they can draw up the nutrients through the roots. Alternatively, some plants might prefer to absorb the fertiliser through the leaves.